miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

Post Nº 12; A brief ssay

The advance of the technology has been very long between a period and other. Thus, the industrialization and the science advance in the second world war has given a lot of new techology in all aspects, from the kitchen utensils to mas destruction weapons.
In the public management the techonology is very important, and in the present essay will describe the relation bewteen techonoly and public management in my career, explaining the importance of this element in 3 courses, State financial administration, Theory of the State, and Human Behavior, one of each main subjects with relation with my career.

Relation between technology and public management

The technology in the public management had a lot of relevance in this century. The develop of plans of the State for improve the level of technology in the public services are very important. This, in Theory of the State, have a lot of importance, because this brads one of the main differences between the types of States, from a State strong in the Bureaucracy ideas, very static, focused only in give a solution to the problems, with no consideration of the quality of the product, to a more flexible State, changing very often for give solution to the new needs of the citizen. For this, the technology have a lot of importance, for improve the process, the relation with the people for know their needs, and can give a service every time better. Thus, this situation is reflected in the administration of the State, specially in the Administration of finances of this. With more technology, the State can have better management of this resources, and with this, a better level of economic growth.
Finally, in the Human Behavior, the technology have a great importance in the moment to make more and better kinds of investigation. The different kind of tools that an investigator can have for make a investigation in this subject can make the difference between a good research and a excellent research. An Investigation center in econometric needs a lot of software for do it.

The technology have a very important relation for improve the management in public subjects. This tools, when the State needs give the better service to the citizen, take more importance for know what the people needs, how, and when. And for this, an improve in the subjects in mention in this essay, will be result in a better service mainly, and a better kind of State for the society.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Post 11: Commenting the news

For me, the news story with the biggest impact this year isn’t the economic crisis, neither the classification of Chile to the soccer World Cup.
For me the death of a men is more important than all the things, and the most touching situation for all the people was the death of the king of pop; Michael Jackson.
He was probably the most know singer of all the story of music, only compared with stars as Elvis Presley and Madonna in the popularity, because he won a lot of platinum discs with his music.
When I watch this new story in TV, I see all the impact that to cause this fact. A lot of people crying and asking what had happened. And not only and USA or Europe; in America and Chile the news was the most important in the whole week of the incident.
This fact was happen something like this: Michael Jackson, after a lot of time estranged of the music, he prepared a shock comeback, with a tour for the entire world called “This is it”, witch was to welcome by his fans with a lot of emotion.
For prepare the show, the reporters informed that he prepared a great show, with a lot of resources spent, and a lot of effort of the people involucrate it, specially Michael. The tickets was sold in record time, and the speciation was higher when was annunciate new songs recorded.
But unexpectedly for all the people, the morning of June 25º, Michael had a cardiac arrest. Despite all efforts to revive him, he was declared dead at 2:26 pm.
Personally, this fact was very important, because with his dead, died a lot of history and dreams. He was one of the most important artists of music, not only for his talent, but his effort and spirit of better oneself. But he was prominent of the other singers because he always was a child. Innocent and dreamer, and with this, he able to create beautiful things, that with his music he inspired who heard him.
We always remember him, not only for his music, but the inspiration, and his innocent sense of life.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Post # 10: Challenges in your discipline

In my discipline, the public management, we have a lot of challenges to improve the current situation of the nation’s management. In this context, we have some challenges in different spheres of the society. For example, we have a great problematic in social matters; the current politics are not efficient to give solution to .the main troubles of the society, especially the poverty and the distribution of the incomes. For this situation, we need better politics for decrease this difference between the social group, and increase the participation of the citizen for make better plan of measures, focused in the need of particular cases.
In the technology, we have challenges for increase the present situation compared with the private sector. In this situation, we have a big disadvantage compared with this sector in the technology. They have in their private organizations a lot of resources for make a better job. For this, we are in a process of modernization of the State; where the government is improving this situation, using all this new kind of tools for make a better work. But we are still very far of the news technologies.
In the education, we have one of the most important challenges for the public management, especially for the State. The public education, mainly in third world countries, is very bad compared with the education in the private sector, talking about the basic en secondary school education. In these circumstances, the points obtained in the test of evaluation for enter to the universities are very unequal, when the public sector always have very lows averages. This is very bad, if we want finish with the differences in the society, and make it more equally in all aspects. For this, the State must do reforms in the education to improve the present situation. And for this, it must to know what are the main troubles to solve, and give a better education, which helps to eradicate this social separation.And finally, the State, in general must to give an incentive for the citizen participate in the take of decisions, because with only element, they have the real needs of the society, and with this, what solve first

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Post # 9: Improving your faculty facilities.

In my faculty, the Government School of the Universidad de Chile we have a very particular situation. Our building is a national monument, with a lot of history, and very recognized. But with this, there is a problem: It’s very old, and with effects of the time, there is very damaged. And the technology is very old in comparison with other faculties, as the Economics faculty, that they have a lot of money spent in this kind of necessary resources.
In other field, we have some problems with the teachers. In several cases, they don’t have a good preparation for be a teacher of the Universidad de Chile, because not all are capacitating continually.
For me, these are the main fields that needs improvements for increase the added value. In this situation the first step for begin an improve in this situation, is create a general consent between the three stratums; the academicals, the functionaries, and the student, for generate common ideas about what we want.
Hence, I propose a change of place a bigger building. There are some projects for transfer this career to the Economics faculty, that for me, it’s very good, but not for all, because some people things that with this change we lost autonomy, that it’s truth, but is a price for pay.
The other can be solved with a change of academicals, emphasizing the quality of the teachers.
All this changes can have very good improvements, both the quality of the education as in the motivation of the students, because if they have more tolls for their needs, more added value can have.
The other steps are appreciate this changes, and use it for improve this situation, and for this, if we some day change of faculty, we can take care it, and use it for the common welfare.