miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

First Term, good and bad points

In my Career, I'm learning a lot of things about the Public Management, specially about the features of the State and the rights and responsabilities of it with the society.
I have a great o variety with my courses, and many kind of them, and in this term, I had very interesting courses. I had Financial Accounting, Public Sector Economics, Human Behaviour, Organizational Design, a free course, that I toke Sports in the Gym, and Politic Sciences.
In this term, I learned to understand a lot of thing of the Economy of Chile, so now I can make a budget of an institution, and manage it.
Thus, with the course of Human Behaviour, I can understand the mind of the people in the organizations, and with this, do a better administration of the human capital, and make better relationships with them in the work. Whis this obviously, I can improve the results of the institution.
Finally, with Politics Sciences I learned to make an analysis of the political context of Chile and the World, and take the better decition between a important situation, as the conflict between Iran an USA, for example.

In this term, I toke a free course, called Fitness. It was very funny, and with this I maked a distraction of a little time of the hard courses. Thus, this helped for be healtly and and active.
And out of the university, I practiced Full Contact and Karate in my dojo, and with my sensei, I went to a tournament, where a won the third place between one houndred people.

In the future, my challenges are a lot. First of all, I'll finish my career, obviously, and later I want to study Laws in my same University, where I can validate some courses and I can finish it in only 2 years.
After this, I´ll take a magister, probably in Denmark.

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